
Co-authors appear in alphabetical order

olargopt opened this issue · 3 comments

We're having a problem on our site: despite setting in the admin area the order in which we want the authors to appear in the author line, the plugin stubbornly puts the authors in alphabetical order.
For example, in the admin area, João is the main author of an article he wrote with Sara and Ana. However, in the author line of the article, it appears "Ana, João, Sara".
Our problem is very similar to the issue #871.

How can we correct this situation? Is there a workaround?

Thanks a lot

Wordpress Multisite 6.2
PHP 7.4
Co Authors Plus Version 3.5.10

3s0x commented

Is there any solution yet? We have the same problem here.

Sadly, no!


  • Are you able to rule out a conflicting plugin? (As mentioned in #871)
  • How are you getting the author line into the front-end of the site (which is where I'm presuming you're seeing it's alphabetical)?