
Widgets, where art thou?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Leading on from #15 , displaying widgets in an API-based theme is currently problematic, as widgets are not available in either the wpcom nor WP-API APIs.

Since widgets are all very similar class extensions, one approach would be to take a simple widget, come up with a template, and then use that general template as a base for other widgets in a new endpoint.

Of course, the best first course of action would be finding out what previous work/discussion (if any) have happened at Automattic and in the WP-API project.

As #18, I think it's ok for Picard not supporting widgets at this point. Let's wait the API and add widget support to next prototype.

Any support for widgets will go in a separate plugin, and not in Picard itself; closing.

I have created a plugin: WP REST API Sidebars that currently enables read access to sidebars and their widgets. In case it is of use to anyone.