
Feedback Button: Provide an option to make email address mandatory

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Feature request: I was testing the Feedback Button. As a site owner, I wanted to make the email field mandatory - to prevent people spamming me, or anonymously ranting on my site. But this option does not exist right now.

Suggestion: Add a toggle in the block settings, to change whether the email field is mandatory or not.

I can see that the option to make email field mandatory is now present 🥳

However, the placeholder text in the email field still appears as "Your email (optional)" on the frontend (not in the Editor).
Editor view Frontend
image image

What I expect to happen is:

  • "Your email (optional)" both on frontend and backend only if Require email address option is toggled off.
  • "Your email" both on frontend and backend only if Require email address option is toggled off.
aicee commented

Also reported in 5477162-zen, they are seeing "(optional)" text in the Email Address field placeholder even if Require email address option is enabled.