
Send data to ActiveCampaign

Closed this issue · 9 comments

To facilitate our partnership with BlueLena, we'll want to get ActiveCampaign set up to work with Campaigns segmentation.

Would this basically just be feature parity with what we do with Mailchimp? or are there additional things ActiveCampaign enables that we'd potentially want to take advantage of?

feature parity with what we do with Mailchimp

To clarify – this means that if a readers signs up for an AC newsletter, they should be marked as such for segmentation, is that right?

After some internal conversations, here's more detail: some publishers use ActiveCampaign as a CRM (like some do with MC), so the data passed to the service is more than just newsletters. The data that should be sent to the service is:

  • Email
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Unique ID (user ID if logged in)
  • Newsletter Selection
  • Newsletter Signup Date
  • PVs/Article reads/Visits in last 30 days (The number of engagements in last 30 days (preferred metric is articles or sessions))

If site is using paid memberships, there might be more data related to that.

PVs/Article reads/Visits in last 30 days

Would this just be captured once (at signup) or need to stay in sync somehow?

Huh, good point! I'll follow up.

Partially implemented in Automattic/newspack-plugin#1793