
Unable to Scroll Down Details Screen

thabotswana opened this issue · 2 comments


When you swipe from the Now Playing screen to the Details screen, the app will not allow you to scroll down. You have to swipe to the next screen and then swipe back to get scrolling to work.

Reported by a user in I am able to reproduce this on my Samsung Galaxy S23.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions

  1. Go to the Now Playing screen
  2. Left swipe to the Details screen
  3. Observe that you cannot scroll the Details screen
  4. Left swipe to the next screen, then swipe back
  5. Observe that you can now scroll the Details screen

Screenshots or screen recording


Did you search for existing bug reports?

  • I have searched for existing bug reports.

Device, Operating system, and Pocket Casts app version

Google Pixel 7a, Pocket Casts 7.58

This should be fixed in 7.59.

Fixed an issue where bookmarks on description could become unresponsive. (#1873)

7.59 is now released to 100%.