
Image upload for screenshot.png

jdsteinbach opened this issue · 5 comments

Would be great to add an image upload field to the Advanced Options section so that users have the option to include a screenshot image when creating a new theme.

How would they have a screenshot image from the theme they haven't started creating yet? :)

Most of my theme development is at an agency where we've already gotten client sign-off on design comps before programming begins - any other developer in a similar position will also have a screenshot image before they start coding. :)

It's a neat idea, but probably to edge-case-y for now. It reminds me that we should start tracking website interaction with the advanced options though, to have solid numbers to base these kinds of decisions on in the future.

@obenland e @jdsteinbach, i am beginner to wordpress, do you know how i add the screenshot in wordpress panel? theme apparence ?

It has to be added to the theme folder itself.