
BUG-date control not formating dates

FabienLelaquais opened this issue · 0 comments


I cannot seem to be able to display a non-editable date without time.

How to reproduce
A code fragment

from taipy.gui import Gui
from datetime import date

my_date = date(1789, 7, 14)

page = """# Formatting date

<|{my_date}|date|not editable|format=E, dd MMM|>


Being not editable, this date control does not use the without_time property.

However, usung the format property (with Python-like placeholders or taken from Javascript's SimpleDateFormat) don'help either.

I tried using a regular text field (<|{my_date}|text|format=d MMM|>) that DOES work although I could not find the doc on this one.

Expected behavior

The format should be documented, but is not (the doc says: "see below" and there's nothing).

I would recommend that if the control is not editable, with the without_time property set to True, and no format value, then we provide a default formatting on our own (such as YYYY-MM-DD).