Should new (or shown in) entity in a perspective be automatically linked to the corresponding perspective entity
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Say your showing a Pipeline Perspective, you add a Task to it (new or sent from the list of existing tasks)
Should that task be linked to the current pipeline ?
Idem for Scenario/Pipeline ...
In the same topic, when an entity is removed from the diagram, should it be unlinked from the current Perpspective ?
PS: As for now, relations are removed when a link in the diagram is removed but entities are not removed.
What do you think @jrobinAV @FabienLelaquais ?
Today, perspectives are linked to entity sections since we have one perspective per section. But in the future, we want to be able to create new perspectives that are not related to a specific section. They could contain multiple entity sections that are unrelated and unlinked. In other words, for me, perspectives should be fully independent of the Config itself. We should be able to perform actions on one without impacting the other.
Let's follow your example. Let's consider we are editing a perspective. For now, there is one pipeline section represented in this perspective. I may want to add a task section to this perspective that is unrelated and unlinked to the other sections already in the perspective. So I should be able to add it without linking it to the pipeline section. In the diagram, it should be explicit, so I know that the added task section is unrelated to the pipeline. Then depending on my use case, I should be able to act to link the new task section to the pipeline section. This is the ideal solution for me.
Now about removing a task section from a perspective, this is more tricky. After removing a Task, I don't see it in the diagram anymore, so I don't know if the task section has been removed from the perspective only or from the pipeline section as well. I would propose two different actions. One to remove the task from the pipeline section and one to remove the task from the perspective. When removing the task from the perspective while it is still linked to a pipeline section that is still represented in the perspective, I would display an information message saying that the config has not been edited.
My two cents,