
Initiate the edition part for Configuration Elements

FabienLelaquais opened this issue · 4 comments

Investigate what technology is to be used to edit the elements.

I see 2 ways of approaching this:

  1. In the details panel view, each property is visible and could be edited via vscode input box at the push of a button.
    a. pros:

    • use vscode builtin input and picker solution
      b. cons:
    • edit properties one at a time.
    • Handling of new/unknown properties might be not so user-friendly (type the name of the property, choose its type, type the value ...
    • no help for list inputs
  2. add a custom editor as an HTML/react rendered page
    a. pros:

    • we do what we want in react/html
    • gives a global view of the edited element
      b. cons:
    • not really vscode like

I was thinking of something mixed: The details panel would show the element values.
Each element might become editable locally (the pencil icon), for types we know how to handle.
The full element may be edited as well (global pencil button) to show something like a dialog... or a dedicated view... This I don't yet really know and depends on what the platform offers.

From what I understand, vscode offers nothing more than the QuickInput (as used for config entity creation) :-(

Yeah the API is pretty thin, although these guys can do far more...
Then I suspect your proposal 1 would be the way to go. Maybe not the best user experience, but the VS way...