Troubles running sample models with evade

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey there!

So I've run into this issue when we're attempting to run most of the example models (pretty much all except WAF Brain):


Switching to a Python 3.5 installation and installing the 0.21.1 sklearn as suggested by the warning gives us a plethora of syntax errors instead, which I could post here as well.

I noticed that whenever I first build the setup.py file, I get a file wafamole.py (for module wafamole) not found warning at the end of the process, after which I'm able to run setup.py install as if nothing had happened. Is that file intended to be missing and/or could it have something to do with the evade errors found afterwards?

Thank you for the issue, we will investigate soon!

Good news I hope - after trying some more sklearn versions under Python 3.9, I believe the application is now working for all of the provided examples in the README.md. The only curious thing is the amount of warnings that seem to pop up, but perhaps they won't impact further development. For reference, after running the waf brain evade example, here's the resulting console logs https://pastebin.com/19rM5b8K.

Anyway, for anyone else with this issue, running Python 3.9.2 on Debian with exactly sklearn 0.21.3 did the trick for me.

Mmmmh you were faster than us :D
Happy you managed to solve! If you have a fix, and you want to apply for a pull request, we will be happy to review it!