
Animated Splash Screen

workgroupengineering opened this issue · 2 comments

Topics to cover

Animated Splash Screen for Xplat with initialization progress (db update, etc...)

Ideas for a sample

  • I'll send a pull request with a proposal for a sample

Additional context

@workgroupengineering interesting Idea. Will keep it in mind for The Todo-List re-write. Can be a sugar on top of it.

I assume it's a mobile+browser specific question.
On all of these platforms native implementation should be used.

For android, for example, https://codetraveler.io/2022/08/16/supporting-android-splash-screens-in-xamarin-forms/
I suppose, Launch storyboards for iOS: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ios/app-fundamentals/images-icons/launch-screens?tabs=windows
And a typical HTML+CSS for Browser.