Clipboard can receive "image/svg+xml" Data but can not send
efef77 opened this issue · 1 comments
Problem: Clipboard can receive "image/svg+xml" Data but can not send
Since sending and receiving bitmap pictures seems to be deeply platform dependent
it is promising to use the svg format with the clipboard to externally exchange graphics.
A symmetrical consideration should promise that sending should work as receiving does.
The coding below was run under Win 11.
Receiving works just fine like this:
const string SVG = "image/svg+xml";
if (formats.Contains(SVG)) {
var svg = cb.GetDataAsync(SVG).Result;
var svgStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])svg);
Sending the vice versa does NOT work:
const string SVG = "image/svg+xml";
var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(svgString);
var data = new DataObject();
data.Set(SVG, bytes); //
cb.SetDataObjectAsync(data).Wait(); // DOES NOT END!!!
Even so this manner is NOT working:
const string SVG = "image/svg+xml";
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
var data = new DataObject();
data.Set(SVG, stream);
cb.SetDataObjectAsync(data).Wait(); // DOES NOT END!!!
Can a solution be platform independet?
Can anybody solve this problem?
Regards Friedrich