
Circular dependency causes Ntangle to end in infinite loop

karpikpl opened this issue · 1 comments

Sample (wrong) configuration:

schema: dbo                                       # Defaults the schema for the non-CDC related tables.
cdcSchema: NTangle                                   # Defines the name of the schema to be used for CDC-related artefacts.
cdcSchemaCreate: true                                # Indicates whether to create the database schema via code-generation.
cdcEnable: true                                      # Indicates whether to enable CDC for the referenced table(s) in the database.
eventSourceRoot: /database/cdc                       # Event source URI root prepended to all published events.
eventSubjectRoot: LegacyProperty                             # Event subject root prepended to all published events.
outbox: true                                         # Indicates to include the generation of the event outbox artefacts.
identifierMapping: true                              # Indicates to include the generation of the global identifier mapping artefacts.
excludeColumnsFromETag: [ RowVersion ]               # Default list of columns to exclude from the generated ETag (exclude from version tracking).
service: HostedService                               # Create the entity-based hosted services to be executed by the likes of a console application.
  # Set up CDC for primary table Legacy.Posts.
  # Relational hierarchy: Legacy.Posts
  # - Legacy.Comments (1:n)
  # - Legacy.Tags (1:n)
  # - Legacy.Tags (1:n).
- { name: Hotel, model: Hotel, eventSourceFormat: NameOnly, eventSubjectFormat: NameAndKey,
    joins: [
      # Set up secondary One-To-Many relationship from Legacy.Posts to Legacy.Comments (1:n).
      # Join on Comments.PostsId = Posts.PostsId.
      # The .NET model should be singular in name.
      { name: Address, model: Address, joinTo: Address, joinCardinality: OneToOne, excludeColumns: [ ],
        on: [
          { name: AddressId, toColumn: AddressId }

issues is caused by joinTo: Address - should be joinTo: Hotel

@karpikpl - this has been resolved in v1.0.3. This condition will be validated and an appropriate error will occur during code-generation.