
Pit Shader crashes on mobile

SMOLKEYS opened this issue · 7 comments

Below is the error log:

Mindustry has crashed. How unfortunate.
Version: pre-alpha build 135
OS: Linux xnull (aarch64)
Java Version: 0
Mods: adc:12.0, calculus:1.0, dev-mode:2.3.2, hackustry:4, newconsole:1.41, test-utils:35, testers:0.25, time-control:0.2, ui-lib:2.16.6, unit-factory:2.4.2, unity:0.1, yellow-java:0.5

> IllegalArgument: 'Failed to compile shader: Fragment shader:
0:73: S0001: Type mismatch in arithmetic operation between 'float' and 'int''
Shader.<init>: 119
Shader.<init>: 124
UnityShaders$ModSurfaceShader.<init>: 94
UnityShaders$PitShader.<init>: 141
UnityShaders.load: 24
-$$Lambda$cqeWWcz-HLQYkgIIZ0u-NAF_rRA.run: 0
AndroidGraphics.onDrawFrame: 364
GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun: 1571
GLSurfaceView$GLThread.run: 1270

It appears on mobile glsl is in strict mode and doesn't allow int-float operations without explicit conversion.

android sucks ass at shaders, whether this can be fixed remains to be seen

d689 commented



Tentatively closing it. Reopen it if it still persists.


Fixed apparently
