
Opening files directly from file explorer in linux

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Okay so this is a bit convoluted but I figured it doesn't hurt to at least bring it up.
I'm testing Silicate on linux right now using a build based on b1d18bd (v0.2.1) and it works pretty well so far. The reason I'm using a build based on that commit is it looks like it's the latest one that will successfully compile a linux executable, and I didn't want to put a ton of time into troubleshooting the code just to see if it would even work.

I've created a custom MIME type for .procreate files so the file association points to silicate, it looks like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info">
  <mime-type type="application/procreate">
    <comment>Procreate Art project files</comment>
    <glob pattern="*.procreate"/>


[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Procreate Viewer
Comment=View and explore .procreate files

Opening a .procreate file through gnome's file explorer Nautilus now opens Silicate, so the file association is working, the problem is this doesn't open the file itself, it only opens the app as if it was launched by itself (so I still have to pick the file from Silicate's "Load Procreate File" dialog).

I don't know if this functionality even exists in Silicate, or if I've done something wrong. If the former, I guess this can be seen as a feature request, if the latter, some assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for making this by the way, it's an absolute lifesaver for me!

I've tested this on Windows (11) now as well using the build from 3ddeee4 by making the file association for .procreate files be silicate.exe and this behaviour persists there as well, so I assume it's not a feature yet. I'd love to be able to just open .procreate files with Silicate, so please consider implementing this functionality. Thanks!