
Annoying tab bar color

Avimitin opened this issue · 25 comments

After patching the tab, there is a bug that draws tab color to the bar.


I don't know which part of the code goes wrong.

So seems like it draws the tab at the bottom although I am not using monocle layout.


Current workaround: use the same color and transparency for bar and tab.


Current workaround: use the same color and transparency for bar and tab.

Seems like not work around now.

@Avimitin have titles disabled on the dwmbar , do you have the same?

@Avimitin have titles disabled on the dwmbar , do you have the same?

Yes, the titles are disabled.

oh , I have the same issue xD

but since I use same color for both tabbar and dwmbar so not a big deal


idk why it still draws the title bg color on dwm bar even if i removed the title from it

idk why it still draws the title bg color on dwm bar even if i removed the title from it

I have an idea, maybe this patch helps: https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/colorbar/.

idk why it still draws the title bg color on dwm bar even if i removed the title from it

I have an idea, maybe this patch helps: https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/colorbar/.

looks cool , we just need to add the part for adding color to schemenorm from it

idk why it still draws the title bg color on dwm bar even if i removed the title from it

I have an idea, maybe this patch helps: https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/colorbar/.

looks cool , we just need to add the part for adding color to schemenorm from it

Seems like the error is not the same, I am still getting a piece of the tab bar color.


dang D:

dang D:


I've tried your chadwm and everything works well. So there is something different between our codes. Besides, your systray icon looks ok, and mine seems too large.


I can confirm that the tab was drawn to the bottom bar. Even I am using the tile layout.


i get tabbar only in monocle


After commenting out the draw status code, the tab content disappear! So maybe the bug is came from here.


After commenting out the draw status code, the tab content disappear! So maybe the bug is came from here.

does that have any affect on the tabbar ( in tabbed mode )?

After commenting out the draw status code, the tab content disappear! So maybe the bug is came from here.

does that have any affect on the tabbar ( in tabbed mode )?

No, and also I found out which part of code affect:


The tab is now drawing to the right of the status bar!

damn :0

If I commented drw_rect function, the bar will disappear immediately.


But the tab will be mess up.

And if I changed the parameters inside drawstatusbar() function, the tab will be drawn like below:


So the tab place is controlled by the x and y parameter in function drw_rect

hmm , Idk much about these patches . My friend has made this patch.

hmm , Idk much about these patches . My friend has made this patch.

Alright, that's OK, I will try to figure out what happened. Currently, I use status text to overwrite it, so it looks slim and not so disgusting now. I'll try to fix it someday. Time for other works. ;)


Current workaround: af0cf72

Now the tab window will only be cleaned in monocle layout or use tab configuration is enabled. The annoying color will still be there when using the monocle layout. But it never appears in other layouts.

I got other stuff to do, so this issue will temporarily have no update.