
losing roubles

Unique201 opened this issue ยท 11 comments

Sorry for bothering again , managed to get it working but after running it for 45 mins i went on to check how it was doing and was down -500k roubles not sure if thats meant to happen

same problem

same issue ran it for 8 hours lost 200k roubles

Avnsx commented

Check your inventory, for items that were not sold and try to sell them manually. It's prolly because there are too many concurent users of this bot(with these settings) which causes heavy item price fluctuations. If you've not edited any code of source.py so far, this should not even happen since in line 516 it clearly says if int(offer['itemsCost'] * 0.75) - offer['summaryCost'] > min_price: # price check. This code basicaly should've long ago, made this impossible.

But it might also be the case that the recent RMT changes, to traders made the prices fluctuate so that the items this bot requests to buy give you an negative income instead of allowing you to profit of it. There are 317 items this bot looks for each of them are listed by ID inside wishlist (line 103 - 165) & and complete Entry (line 170 - 276). Incase this happens for more people I would strongly recommend going into source.py and adjusting / finetuning these IDs to check which of them causes such a heavy income drop. You can search for each ID individualy in google, and it will give you further information about the item that the script calls for. You can go check the price inside Flea Market and then compare it to the one Therapist gives you. If it is not profitable then just remove the item from the list. You can also share the list you've updated on this issue ticket, with us.

Another possible cause might be, as said too many users, to counter that you can set the min_price = 1487 (line 100 in source.py) generally lower to such as min_price = 379. This will end up making the bot look for smaller amounts of rouble profit before purchsing items, equaling in overall more requests to the Tarkov server. But this might still be an possible solution. You just gotta try it out!

Battlestate Games
Jul 1
Traders buying price was decreased (it was a bug related to incorrect price calculation which lead to many related bugs) #EscapefromTarkov

can this maby be the problem , that the prices the bot thinks therapist pays has been decreased and because of that is not profitable?

This is the problem , Therapists prices need to be updated, anyways can I do that myself?

yeah lost 300k in like 3 minutes

Fine Tuning a fix reall quick will post it here when im done

@Blind444 Please let us know when you are done!

Yep I changed a bit of stuff; it works now and actually turns into profit!

if int(offer['itemsCost'] * 0.60) - offer['summaryCost'] > min_price: # price check

that line
from 0.75 to 0.60
and thats it

Modifying theis line of code in the Source file, changing .75 to .60 should fix issues
if int(offer['itemsCost'] * 0.75) - offer['summaryCost'] > min_price: # price check

Thanks to @Blind444 for discovering this fix

However, an updated Therapist Item cost would be more efficient to retain profits ^^

With these settings this bot makes ~500k per hour