forest-calculator (
A web app prototype for searching the carbon statistics of Finnish municipalities and estates.
- Server-side rendered React (Next.js)
- TypeScript
- Backend made with Node.js and Express
- PostgreSQL as database
yarn run build-update
node server.js
Requires municipalities.json, provinces.json, and the following env variables:
PG_USER # Postgres username
PG_PASSWORD # Postgres password
PG_HOST # Postgres host address
PG_DBNAME # Postgres database name
PG_PORT # Postgres service port
API_URL # The URL of the server
NODEMAILER_USER # Mail account used by Nodemailer
NODEMAILER_PASS # Password for mail
NODEMAILER_EMAIL # Email address used by Nodemailer
NODE_ENV # "production" or "development"
SSL_PATH # Path to SSL keys
See .example files.