
Chat filter stuffing up

Opened this issue · 4 comments

The chat filter searchs for swearwords in every messages and in doing so it can cause trouble sometimes
For exaple players can not say "any one has sugar canes?"
In that message the word "has" and "sugar" combines to form "ass" which is a swear word.
Would be appreciated if the way plugin looks for swearwords is improved so it doesnt treat normal words as cuss words. Thanks

Awzaw commented

I'll look into an option to configure how spaces are handled. At the moment they are ignored so that things like "assh ole" are flagged.

Aight thx

The word "spik" was blocked as it is a racial slur. Due to tat people cant say "lag spike". It will be amazing if that can be sorted. Thanks

Awzaw commented

You can edit the swearwords.yml file to add/remove words that cause problems.