
This actually doesn't work...

Opened this issue · 7 comments

The only useful function of this plugin, is that I now have a way to log a players votes, and see them in game.... wowie... thanks.

now can you make it so it actually ranks the player up ? I have the plugin RankUp, and the plugin PurePerms.... I don't see why this wouldn't work.

But.... it doesn't. at least not for me.

I set VIP rank at 200, it shows in game, I set vote reward to give 200, I voted, nothing happened...

I'll continue to test.... maybe it's just the difficult to understand config.yml, or the fact there were weird descriptions before....

I don't mean to rag on the plugin, it does do one thing great... just not the extra bit.

If you are able to make this work, also perhaps add a way for the player to /rankpoints claim (rankname) and instead of it automatically ranking the player up as they go, they can accumulate vote points, and claim different PurePerms groups in exchange for their points.

Awzaw commented

It works, but at the moment it will rank a player only when their rankpoints move above the threshold when they are online. If you login with your 200 points and give yourself one more rankpoint while online then you'll get ranked. I'll see about changing it so that players don't have to be online.

As for ' /rankpoints claim (rankname)' I'll think about that and let you know.

Awzaw commented

Rankpoints as currency for items or ranks... Interesting idea, I'll add it when I get time 👍


If you do happen to add it so players can claim a package in exchange for rankpoints(or votepoints)

then my friend, will be eligible to redeem any custom rank title of your choice on my server if you ever feel like being a guest there and seeing your plugin in action.

I have a lot of loyal voters who vote for the monthly top prize, and this was inspired by their dedication.

I'd love to incorporate a way for the players to buy things I have posted on my donation website with their in game vote points.

this would be amazing.

Have you considered this yet? I am still waiting to know if you would add the idea I mentioned.

Awzaw commented

l will add it, but as for when... don't hold your breath!