
Auth successful with invalid redirect_uri

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Issue and Steps to Reproduce


With the following configuration for OIDC:

const configuration: OidcConfiguration = {
 client_id: 'movies-app',
 redirect_uri: `${window.location.origin}/authentication/nonsense`, // Invalid redirect URI
 // silent_redirect_uri: `${window.location.origin}/authentication/silent-callback`,
 scope: 'openid offline_access', // offline_access scope allows client to retrieve refresh_token
 authority: 'http://localhost:8080/realms/company-services',

And the following router configuration:

    path: '/',
    element: <HomePage />,
    path: '/admin',
    element: (
        <BaseLayout />
    children: [
        path: '',
        element: <Home />,

Authentication is still successful, even though the redirect_uri is set to an invalid path /authentication/nonsense, and service workers are not enabled. How is this possible.
Steps to Reproduce

  • Configure the OIDC setup with the provided configuration object.
  • Initiate the authentication flow by navigating to the /admin route.
  • Observe that the authentication is successful, despite the invalid redirect_uri.


"@axa-fr/react-oidc": "7.22.0-alpha.1416",




Additional Details

  • Installed packages:

Hi @uhexos ,
Thank you for your issue.
This is a normal behavior. The library is router agnostic and manage its own route internaly.

so what is the point of the redirect uri if it has no impact on authentication, how can I get it to ignore the internal callback and use the one provided by me instead

Redirect_uri should be configurable inside your oidc server and your oidc server should accept only the configured one @uhexos .

Setting up the redirect_uri is fine I know it must exist on ther oidc server as well. I want the react-oidc to completely ignore the default behaviour and use the custom one I am providing only. How can I do that ? Also where can find the implementation for storing accepting/ processing the code token in the source files
