
MediaToolKit folder containing ffmpeg, not on application folder

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, just one question. why the folder MediaToolkit was not leave on Application StartUp path.
This is my sample code:

Dim engine As MediaToolkit.Engine
engine = New MediaToolkit.Engine
 Dim file As New MediaToolkit.Model.MediaFile
 file.Filename = "D:\Utils\big_buck_bunny_1080p_surround.mov"

When i'm use it a folder MediaToolkit was created on my D: drive within it, ffmpeg.

Thanks for your work.


The change was made as some users of the library did not have access to the Temp folder where the library used to be placed in. However you can change the behaviour if you wish to do so by entering the FilePath of the FFmpeg.exe library in the constructor of the Engine class.

Does that resolve your issue?

Thanks, I've tested and it's ok. Issue resolved. Sorry for the convenient.

Do you think that you can list DShow device and options like this article ?

The idea is to use your library to make live capture.


I have an issue with this lib. I use it with ASP.NET app. But it doesn't generate of the thumbnail when i pass an url to the file besides it doesn't work even when I pass an input file as string path.
And it is very interesting. But when I download source code of this lib and use it the thumbnail is generated (only for the input file passed as string path)

Hm.. Would it be sensible to extract ffmpeg.exe in the .net project output folder (Debug/bin, Release/bin)? That would simplify deployment of applications to the cloud.
Now we have to create an msbuild step to copy the executable to project output folder.
I know the Engine constructor accepts the ffmpegPath argument, but it feels a bit hacky.
What is your opinion on it?