
shift_term_Hyb + typing

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Let shift be defined as:
Fixpoint shift_term_Hyb (M: te_Hyb) :=
match M with
| hyp_Hyb v => M
| lam_Hyb t M => lam_Hyb t (shift_term_Hyb M)
| appl_Hyb M1 M2 => appl_Hyb (shift_term_Hyb M1) (shift_term_Hyb M2)
| box_Hyb M => box_Hyb (shift_term_Hyb M)
| unbox_fetch_Hyb w M => unbox_fetch_Hyb (shift_vwo w) (shift_term_Hyb M)
| get_here_Hyb w M => get_here_Hyb (shift_vwo w) (shift_term_Hyb M)
| letdia_get_Hyb w M N => letdia_get_Hyb (shift_vwo w) (shift_term_Hyb M)
(shift_term_Hyb N)

We have
G_Hyb |= (w', Gamma_Hyb) |- N ::: []A
We want
G_Hyb & (w'0, nil) |= (w', Gamma_Hyb)
|- {{fwo w'0 // bwo 0}}(shift_term_Hyb N) ::: [

In particular, when trying to prove lemma:

Lemma shift_term_Hyb_types_Hyb:
forall N w G Gamma A w0,
G |= (w, Gamma) |- N ::: A ->
G |= (w, Gamma) |- (shift_term_Hyb N) ^w^ (fwo w0) ::: A.
by induction on typing of N, we get stuck in box case (and letdia, I guess).

(It can get stuck somewhere on the question whether w0 is a known world, but that's OK - we can add that..)

In particular for box case we want to show
G & (w0, Gamma0) |= (w', nil)
|- {{fwo w' // bwo 0}}({{fwo w1 // bwo 1}}(shift_term_Hyb M)) ::: A

but we have
G & (w0, Gamma0) |= (w', nil)
|- {{fwo w' // bwo 0}}({{fwo w' // bwo 1}}(shift_term_Hyb M)) ::: A

(Where w' is fresh and so far there are no assumptions on w', but we can add some. It is considered fresh where we want to use this lemma.)

Can't do:

G |- (w, Gamma ) |- letdia_get w M (unbox_fetch 0 (hyp 0)) : A
(when G |- (w, Gamma) |- M ::: <>[]A)
if we shift letdia_get term, we are left with N = unbf 1 (hyp 0). This is not true for just any term to act as this 1...
