
Trouble Installing Ags

TryingToBeHooman opened this issue · 3 comments

I always get this whenever i try installing ags with yay

:: PGP keys need importing:
-> 50F91FB550EC32AB4A710286FA148B892AB48044, required by: sdl2_sound
:: Import? [Y/n] y
:: Importing keys with gpg...
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No data

That's not really an ags issue. It's more of an arch and yay issue, and a very common one. What command with yay did u issue @TryingToBeHooman ?

You most likely tried to install the wrong package.
The AUR package is not called ags, that name was already taken by adventure game studio. The package is called aylurs-gtk-shell.

You most likely tried to install the wrong package. The AUR package is not called ags, that name was already taken by adventure game studio. The package is called aylurs-gtk-shell.

it worked tysm im so dumb