
ReferenceError, App not defined

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Hey, beginner here, sorry if this is dumb

When i try to start ags i get this :

$ ags

(com.github.Aylur.ags:32773): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:05:45.368: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:6691:68: Invalid name of pseudo-class

(com.github.Aylur.ags:32773): Gjs-Console-CRITICAL **: 17:05:45.430: ReferenceError: App is not defined

I tried to set it manually, it didn't work (or didn't do it right),
I replaced

const entry = `${App.configDir}/main.ts`

on line 4 of the config.js file by

const entry = `~/.config/ags/main.ts`

but it also didn't work.

So i come asking for help, thank you in advance, kind stranger.

App is defined in src/app.ts of ags (not the dotfiles).

Did you install the latest version of ags?

Okay, I was, but inspired by your answer I went and deleted everything related to ags from my computer, then recleanbuilt everything and finaly made it works, thank you for your help ^^