
Is it possible to get rid of the associated style-class called html-tagname

Hibrix-net opened this issue · 4 comments


I created a complex table layout and I see every single element including stuff like that: "style": ["html-td", "html-tr", "html-tbody", "html-table"]

Is it possible to avoid those classes to be included and simply include the ones I define in the html?

Many thanks,

Right now, no it's not possible. But tomorrow I can add an option for that.

Right now, no it's not possible. But tomorrow I can add an option for that.

Amazing. Many thanks for the super quick answer + solution.

I just released v2.4.16. You can now pass the option removeTagClasses:true to not include these classes in the output.

I just released v2.4.16. You can now pass the option removeTagClasses:true to not include these classes in the output.

Many thanks.