
Primary LanguagePython


Ow is a web app (REST API) that allow scanning, building & running of Dockerfile.



Get list of jobs

Retrieve a list of jobs regardless of their status ('pending', 'running', 'failed', 'done') You can also pass an id [int] to retrieve a specific job

GET /v0/jobs/<id> [id: optional int]
return {"jobs": [{"id": 1, "job_status": "done", "error": null, "result": {"perf": 0.99}}]}

Submit a Dockerfile (scan, build, run)

POST /v0/jobs
return {"job": {"id": 1, "status": "pending"}}
How to upload Docker file with curl
curl -F "file=@Dockerfile_test"  http://localhost:5009/v0/jobs


You can edit settings ie. postgresql, redis, rabbitmq config in ./ow/default_dettings.py

How to run

Note: Use Flask only for dev purpose, for 'prod' usage switch to UWSGI

Start docker-compose (if you do not have local RabbitMq, Redis, Postgres DB)

cd /path/to/ow
docker-compose up -d # Run RabbitMq, Redis, Postgres

Init python env

cd /path/to/ow
python3 -m venv env # make a virtual env
source env/bin/activate # activate env
pip install -r requirements.txt # Install dependencies

Init Database

cd /path/to/ow
alembic upgrade head

Start Celery workers

cd /path/to/ow
celery -A ow.celery worker # run celery workers

Start Ow App (in another terminal)

cd /path/to/ow
FLASK_APP=ow:app PYTHONPATH=. flask run --host= -p 5009 # Run Ow web app

Congrats :)

Phase development