
Unable to Generate Seperate Files

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Dear Crixus developers,

First of all, thank you for making such a valuable tool available to the public.

I have an issue with generating h5sph files for a problem that contains moving a moving body.

I imported the stl file for the boundary, generated a fill for the fluid as a box and then imported another file for the moving body but Crixus would not generate an additional h5sph or vtk file for the moving body, only the container and the fluid.

Below is a link containing the .inf file and stl file for the container and moving body.

I would greatly appreciate your help finding a solution for this problem.

Thanks and regards,


I no longer work in this field, so I don't have time to work on Crixus anymore. Sorry about that. If you manage to fix the bug feel free to submit a pull request and I will include it in this repo.

Kind regards,