
personal portfolio

Primary LanguageElixir


Pre requisite:

  • install NPM dependencies cd ./assets npm install

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

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  • Modules ** pagination


  • Modules ** chess_board struct composed of ChessTiles.id? with values [alpha: "a".."h", no: 1..8, color: :white \ :black \ :red, occupant: nil \ chess_piece/s_id] e.a. %{ :a1, %ChessTiles{alpha: a, no: 1, color: :black, occupant: "w-r1"}, :a2, %ChessTiles{alpha: a, no: 2, color: :white, occupant: "w-p1"}, :a3, %ChessTiles{alpha: a, no: 3, color: :black, occupant: nil} } ** chess_pieces struct composed of ChessPieces.id? with values [alpha: "a".."h", no: 1..8, role: "pone", role_id: "w-p1"] e.a. %{ :a2, %ChessTiles{alpha: a, no: 1, role: "pone", role_id: "w-p1"}, :b2, %ChessTiles{alpha: a, no: 2, role: "pone", role_id: "w-p2"}, :a1, %ChessTiles{alpha: a, no: 3, role: "rook", role_id: "w-r1"} } ** chess ~ the main module of chess app, logical decisions are here as well as the processes. **** tile_shade_red - makes an overlay chess_board shaded red upon passing its return value back to chess_live. **** tile_shade_red\counting available tiles mode - if toggled on counts the number of available tiles for every **** chess pieces using comprehension for x <- chess_pieces if this returns 0 means its a stale mate otherwise **** continue. **** presume_tiles - this function is self explnatory it just presume the whole chess_pieces side its teritory of **** attack zone. **** map update section - here is the execution of map updating/deleting for every pieces/board tiles. **** helper functions - finding king/determining ches_pieces side is here.

  • General Game FAQ

    • Game can be accessed through http://localhost:4000/chess, https://localhost:4000/chess or web live app https://devmac.app/chess
    • 100% FIDE Rule Implemented which means first turn is white, clicking/selecting black piece will result in nothing.
    • Key Enter/Click on piece to move it, a red shaded tile will be on assist to see available moves.
    • Drag and Drop is not currently supported.
    • Key press directional arrow on your keyboard to select a tile/piece.
    • During Pone/Pawn promotion event, mouse scroll can be used to select your desired piece, keyboard press left/right arrow key will can also be used. Pressing up arrow will get back the pointer to 1st index which is the Rook. The order of chess piece is: Rook > Bishop > Knight > Queen.
    • Pone promotion extention: exceeding the pointer index will get it back to 1(Rook) or (4)Queen if you hit the bottom index pointer to negative value.
    • To confirm your wanted Pone Promotion Piece, just click anywhere the board or key in Enter on your keyboard.
    • Game status nav bar is located just below the Chess Board.
    • Nav Bar consist of: Tile Selection monitor, Player Turn, Check Condition and finally a Check/Stale mate.


Chess Tile Survey

  • With/out border - 7 dia, adan, jhon, risa, cyber28, santi, adam, michou
  • With border - 3 wong, wency, mike
  • undecided - 1 ayleen
  • w/o border ! lower exposure - gerald
  • w/o border ! lower contrast - jez

Software Testers

  • Rudy Mulang
  • vy of chess discord community
  • HeroBloods/HeroBloody of Russia Dragon Nest Community