
Not enough cores to deploy

VircomSheep opened this issue · 1 comments


I tried to run the powershell script to set up the serices on azure but i get following error:

New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 16:51:00 - Resource Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories/linkedservices
'mydriving-blahblah/DailyComputeHDICluster' failed with message '{
"message": "Unable to create or update an on-demand HDInsight cluster with 24 cores for subscription
[subscription id]. The Azure Data Factory quota for on-demand HDInsight cores for this subscription
is 40, whereas 24 are currently reserved. If you would like to increase this quota, create a new Azure support request
with issue type 'Quota' and quota type 'Data Factory'.",
"code": "MaxOnDemandHdiCoresReached"

How I can get this running? Do I have to pay for more cores?

If the powershell script successed is the service finished and ready for the clients or is there something else to do?`

I appreciate any help, thank you :)

You need to delete your unused VMs or request more cores allowed via support