AcquireTokenSilent Returns Session Has Expired After Recompile
mikelunn opened this issue · 1 comments
After recompiling the app the acquireTokenSilent function returns a session expired message. This is problematic during the development process because the session gets cleared after every recompile forcing me to login again. Is there a better way to handle this login session during the development cycle? Ideally, I would like to log in to the front end once, rebuild my app whenever I make a change to the server side code, and refresh my browser to see the changes without having to log in again.
I love the work you guys are doing. But i'm finding these samples very incomplete for common use cases like the above. Thankfully I stumbled upon a community created solution:
Is there anything I can do to help push this forward. It seems like it would be a great idea to add this global filter to the project.