[QUERY] - trying to consumer from servicebus queue using jms examples but jmsListenerContainerFactory could not be found on startup
rgarbing opened this issue · 2 comments
rgarbing commented
jmsListenerContainerFactory is default, I didn´t see on example any Bean defined for that, so it´s not required this configuration, right?
A component required a bean named 'jmsListenerContainerFactory' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean named 'jmsListenerContainerFactory' in your configuration.
Why is this not a Bug or a feature Request?
just a doubt trying to consumir from servicebus queue using springboot and jms
Setup (please complete the following information if applicable):
- OS: Windows
- IDE: Intelij
- Sample Path: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-spring-boot-samples/tree/main/servicebus/spring-cloud-azure-starter-servicebus-jms/servicebus-jms-queue
- Library/Libraries: spring-cloud-azure-starter-servicebus-jms
Information Checklist
- Query Added
- Setup information Added
Netyyyy commented
@rgarbing Thank you for reporting this issue. We have received your submission and will take a look. We appreciate your input and will review this matter as soon as possible.
Please feel free to provide any additional information or context that you think may be helpful. We'll keep you updated on the progress of our review.