
Train request- Error 1002

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello everybody,

i recently got access to the Microsoft Form Recognizer Preview. After setting up a Form Recognizer Ressource and a Blob Storage Container, i put together a train request according to the Quickstart Documentation. Dispatching my request always leads me to the Error Code 1002 like this:

$ error":{"code":"1002","message":"Train request is either invalid or missing required parameters. Please reference the API reference and retry your request."}}

I already added 5 documents of the same type to my Blob Storage and followed the steps of the Quickstart guide very precisely. After i repeated this process for a few times and always obtained the same result, i dont know what to do.

I would be very glad if someone could help me with this issue. Thank you in advance.


@puN1ka I am getting the same error - did you find a solution?

Same issue. I've tried the following:

  • recreating the Form-recognizer resources twice
  • various renamings of the training data files
  • Postman & cURL

All result in the same code 1002 error.

I got this 1002 error twice - once I think it was because the prediction set was a bit different than training, and another time I didn't specify the right format. I can see it working for some other files I have, but I sometimes get the result in a different encoding that I don't really know how to fix.

Got around this issue by creating the SAS key at the storage level...i.e. Storage accounts, choose your storage > settings > shared access signature > generate. Also, be sure to copy all the parameters not just the sig as they are all need to match what.


I am getting the same issue with Form Recogniser Train Custom Model.

Can anyone here clearly point towards the solution.

Amin Patel

I am also getting the same error on the postman, i don't know why no one is responding.