
Crash on joining call with remote participant video on (random) (video calling quickstart)

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Customer was facing a random crash when joining call with remote participant video on. On investigation I noticed that remoteParticipant.addOnVideoStreamsUpdatedListener(videoStreamsEventArgs -> videoStreamsUpdated(videoStreamsEventArgs)); is triggered multiple time.

To fix issue, added below code in MainActivity.

final HashSet<String> joinedParticipants = new HashSet<>();

public void handleRemoteParticipantsUpdate(ParticipantsUpdatedEvent args) {
        LinearLayout participantVideoContainer = findViewById(;
        handleAddedParticipants(args.getAddedParticipants(), participantVideoContainer);
        handleRemovedParticipants(args.getRemovedParticipants(), participantVideoContainer);

    private void handleRemovedParticipants(List<RemoteParticipant> removedParticipants, LinearLayout participantVideoContainer) {
        for (RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant : removedParticipants) {
            if(joinedParticipants.contains(getId(remoteParticipant))) {

    public String getId(final RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant) {
        final CommunicationIdentifier identifier = remoteParticipant.getIdentifier();
        if (identifier instanceof PhoneNumberIdentifier) {
            return ((PhoneNumberIdentifier) identifier).getPhoneNumber();
        } else if (identifier instanceof MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier) {
            return ((MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier) identifier).getUserId();
        } else if (identifier instanceof CommunicationUserIdentifier) {
            return ((CommunicationUserIdentifier) identifier).getId();
        } else {
            return ((UnknownIdentifier) identifier).getId();

    private void handleAddedParticipants(List<RemoteParticipant> participants, LinearLayout participantVideoContainer) {
        for (RemoteParticipant remoteParticipant : participants) {
            if(!joinedParticipants.contains(getId(remoteParticipant))) {
                remoteParticipant.addOnVideoStreamsUpdatedListener(videoStreamsEventArgs -> videoStreamsUpdated(videoStreamsEventArgs));

This issue is for a: (mark with an x)

- [x] bug report -> please search issues before submitting
- [ ] feature request
- [ ] documentation issue or request
- [ ] regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped in a new release)

QuickStart code and readme has been updated to avoid this issue, app doesn't crash anymore.
