
Deployment chat-deployment-1718994551 not found in endpoint

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Trying to deploy service chat but keep getting the following error:

RESPONSE 404: 404 Not Found

"error": {
"code": "UserError",
"message": "Deployment chat-deployment-1718994551 not found in endpoint mloe-eqs2edvbximzo, workspace ai-project-eqs2edvbximzo",
"details": [],

    "type": "MessageParameters",
    "info": {
      "value": {
        "deploymentName": "chat-deployment-1718994551",
        "endpointName": "mloe-eqs2edvbximzo",
        "workspaceName": "ai-project-eqs2edvbximzo"

However, I checked the azure portal and I can see the deployment succeeded.


Thanks for reporting this @dbfuns -- I have reproduced this error and have reported it for resolution. The issue appears to be a timing related one on the azd side (azd shows a failure message but portal does complete deployment)

The issue does however create a problem on the server where testing the deployed endpoint will fail because the default Traffic allocation is now set at 0% (likely due to that error). Manually updating the allocation to 100% gets you a workaround for now but will leave this issue open until I have got a resolution for the original User Error.

Issue has been file with on azure-dev repo for resolution. Will update here when status changes.