
Azure Developer CLI Template Guidelines

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Azure Developer CLI Template Guidelines

These requirements are for samples that are using azd for deployment.


Infra Folder

  • Bicep Format - Bicep files should be formatted with bicep format. Can possibly be automated with pre-commit or GitHub actions.

  • Core Modules - main.bicep should reference modules from core, copied from azure-dev.

    cp -r ../azure-dev/templates/common/infra/bicep/core/* infra/core/.

  • Dashboard - Resources should include a dashboard so that azd monitor works, either by referencing the monitoring.bicep module or creating a dashboard separately. See main.bicep

  • Monitoring - Application code should include either OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry so that the monitor is populated. See todo/

  • Managed Identity - Application must use Managed Identity instead of keys wherever possible.


  • AZD Telemetry - azure.yaml should include metadata for telemetry including version number. See azure.yaml

  • Service Source - In azure.yaml, the project property for each service should point at a subfolder, not at root (.). Typically the subfolder is labeled src but that may vary. See azure.yaml

  • azd Pipeline Config - .github/workflows should include azure-dev.yaml to support azd pipeline config.

  • Devcontainer - .devcontainer should contain a devcontainer.json and Dockerfile/docker-compose.yaml in order to create a full local dev environment. Start with azure-dev versions and modify as needed. See docker-compose.yaml for example that includes a local database service.

  • security-devops-action - The application must run microsoft/security-devops-action. Example

  • ** Hook Scripts** - all hook scripts (pre-/post- provisioning and deployment scripts) shall include both sh and pwsh versions.

  • Short Description - a must description should be included. Example

  • Prerequisites - a Prerequisites section should be included. Example

  • Architecture - an architecture diagram and description must be included. Example

  • 'Open In __' buttons - must use same "Open in " buttons as the TODO samples. Example

  • Cost Estimation - a Cost Estimation section should be included. Example
