
[Storage Blob]Some Implementations in track1 doesn't exist in track2, or have a different implementation

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Some Implementations in track1 doesn't exist in track2 in this sample, Details in the following table.

Service Implementation with Track1 Implementation with Track2
Storage blob Line#130~131 Link  // Create a buffer manager for the Blob service client. The buffer manager enables the Blob service client to   // re-use an existing buffer across multiple operations.             blobClient.BufferManager = new WCFBufferManagerAdapter(             BufferManager.CreateBufferManager(32 * 1024, 256 * 1024), 256 * 1024); No method.
Storage blob Line#502~504  Link  Console.WriteLine("Base URI: {0}", blobClient.BaseUri);   Console.WriteLine("Primary URI: {0}", blobClient.StorageUri.PrimaryUri);   Console.WriteLine("Secondary URI: {0}", blobClient.StorageUri.SecondaryUri); No method to get PrimaryUri and  SecondaryUri Only: blobServiceClient.Uri
Storage blob Line#876~912 Link  // Generate an ad-hoc SAS URI for the container with write and list permissions.             string adHocContainerSAS = GetContainerSasUri(container); No method
Storage blob Line#388~394 Link // List containers beginning with the specified prefix, returning segments of 5 results each.  // Note that passing in null for the maxResults parameter returns the maximum number of results (up to 5000).  // Requesting the container's metadata as part of the listing operation populates the metadata,  // so it's not necessary to call FetchAttributes() to read the metadata.                     resultSegment = await blobClient.ListContainersSegmentedAsync(                     prefix, ContainerListingDetails.Metadata, 5, continuationToken, null, null); No method, only list container.
Storage blob Line#469~482   Link  ///Lists blobs beginning with the specified prefix, which must include the container name.   // The prefix is required when listing blobs from the service client. The prefix must include   // the container name.                     resultSegment = await blobClient.ListBlobsSegmentedAsync(prefix, continuationToken);                     foreach (var blob in resultSegment.Results)                     {                         Console.WriteLine("\tBlob:" + blob.Uri);                     } No method, only list blob.
Storage blob Line#1071~1076 Link // If the blob is a snapshot, write out snapshot properties.             if (blob.IsSnapshot)             {                 Console.WriteLine("\t SnapshotTime: {0}", blob.SnapshotTime);                 Console.WriteLine("\t SnapshotQualifiedUri: {0}", blob.SnapshotQualifiedUri);             } No method about Snapshot
Storage blob Line#1091  Link Console.WriteLine("\t ContentMD5: {0}", blob.Properties.ContentMD5); No method to get ContentMD5
Storage blob Line#1450~1451 Link // Construct the virtual directory name, which becomes part of the blob name.                     virtualDirName += string.Format("level{0}{1}", i, blobServiceClient.DefaultDelimiter); No method to get DefaultDelimiter