
Cannot use predefined system node pools and custom preset while JustUseSystemNodepool set to true

SzymonSt opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
If JustUseSystemNodepool all the system nodepool presets are ignored.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set JustUseSystemNodepool to true
  2. Define your own custom preset for system nodepool or use on of (highspec, standard, costoptimized)
  3. Deploy
  4. Observe system nodepool being depoyed with just systemPoolBase properites

Expected behavior
System nodepool is created with config from custom/preset definition.

Additional context
My config:

//---------Kubernetes Construction---------
module aksConstruction '../../../AKS-Construction/bicep/main.bicep' = {
  name: 'aksconst-${deploymentPostfix}'
  scope: resourceGroup(aksClusterName)
  params: {
    resourceName: aksClusterName
    enableTelemetry: false
    kubernetesVersion: '1.27.3'                   //ToBeParametrized
    AksPaidSkuForSLA: true
    enable_aad: true
    enableAzureRBAC: true
    keyVaultAksCSI: true
    JustUseSystemPool: true
    networkPlugin: 'azure'
    networkPolicy: 'azure'
    enablePrivateCluster: true
    serviceCidr: ''                   //ToBeParametrized
    dnsServiceIP: ''                    //ToBeParametrized
    SystemPoolType: 'Custom'
      vmSize: 'Standard_D8ds_v5'                  //ToBeParametrized
      count: 1                                    //ToBeParametrized
      maxPods: 200                                //ToBeParametrized
      minCount: 1
      maxCount: 2                                 //ToBeParametrized
      enableAutoScaling: true                     //ToBeParametrized
      availabilityZones: [

I've linked PR with proposed solution. Thanks in advance for review of bug issue and PR.

Issue smells stale, no activity for 30 days. Stale Label will be removed if the issue is updated, otherwise closed in a month.