NAT Gateway deployment failure
samaea opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
When selecting NAT Gateway as an option, it fails with the following deployment error message:-
Invalid request body. Converting request body to a managed cluster encountered error: json: unknown field "natGatewayProfile" Check that the field is in the right location, is spelled correctly, and is supported in the API version. Visit for more API version information.. (Code: UnmarshalError, Target: /subscriptions/0ab85873-613e-40df-9c89-5f219ece04b4/resourceGroups/az-k8s-2czh-rg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aks-az-k8s-2czh)
To Reproduce
az deployment group create -g az-k8s-2czh-rg --template-file ./bicep/main.bicep --parameters resourceName=az-k8s-2czh AksPaidSkuForSLA=true SystemPoolType=Standard availabilityZones="[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"]" aksOutboundTrafficType=natGateway
Expected behavior
For deployment to be successful.
Additional context