az aks get-credentials command change format of .kube/config causing maven fabric8 plugin to stop working
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After running command "az aks get-credentials" file format C:\Users<user name>.kube\config is changed completely which cause "mvn fabric8:apply" command to fail as its not able to extract details from this to file to connect with kubernetes.
Could you please advise how to re-format config file to yaml again or how to avoid merge changing its format ? Eventually I could use kubectl config set-cluster, set-credentials and set-context to setup this manually however I would need to find out how cli command coming up with all parameters like for example user, certificate-authority-data...
error return by fabric 8:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:3.5.38:apply (default-cli) on project gs-spring-boot-docker: Failure executing: GET at: Message: Unauthorized! Token may have expired! Please log-in again. Unauthorized. -> [Help 1]
Old format of config file before running cli command:
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: ...
server: https://<cluster name>
name: aksdevwe
New format after running cli command:
{apiVersion: v1, clusters: [{cluster: {certificate-authority-data: ...
server: 'https://<server name>'}, name: <server name>},
Workaround: Using kubectl
to update config will re-format as YAML: kubectl config use-context <...>
We can take a look at how we are merging the configuration /cc @mboersma
Thanks ! it will do the job for me, switching context will be something done daily so format will be rectified anyway.