context leak in parallel threads
jaypee1990 opened this issue · 2 comments
jaypee1990 commented
We have a Azure function to start and stop VMs based on info about VM, its RG and Subscription it reads from Azure storage table when it invocates, and then sets the context to the respective subscription to take action on the VM, however it leaks the context and stays with the context from previous VM and now it cant find that VM in that subscription, which leads to issues.
$schedulesStart | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
$VMName = $_.Vmname
$RG = $_.RG
$Subscription = $_.SubscriptionId
$VmStatus = ''
Update-AzConfig -DisplayBreakingChangeWarning $false | Out-Null
Write-Host "$using:dayType | Start | $Subscription\$RG\$VMName : Time to start the VM"
Write-Verbose "$using:dayType | Start | $Subscription\$RG\$VMName : Az.Account module version $((get-module Az.Accounts).version.ToString())" -Verbose
#run action
try {
$Retry = 1
while ($VmStatus.Status -ne "Succeeded") {
if ($Retry -gt $using:Retries) {
throw $ErrorMessage
Clear-AzContext -Force # Clear the context before each operation
$AzContext = Select-AzContext -SubscriptionId $Subscription -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$AzContext) {
$ErrorMessage = (Resolve-AzError -Last).Message
Write-Warning "$using:dayType | Start | $Subscription\$RG\$VMName : Attempt: $Retry, ErrorMessage: $($ErrorMessage)"
start-sleep -Seconds 10
else {
# Check if VM exists
$VmExists = Get-AzVM -Name $VMName -ResourceGroupName $RG -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $VmExists) {
# Skip VM if doesnt exist
Write-Warning "VM $VMName in resource group $RG does not exist. Skipping $VMName ."
$VmStatus = Start-AzVM -name $VMName -ResourceGroupName $RG -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$VmStatus) {
$ErrorMessage = (Resolve-AzError -Last).Message
Write-Warning "$using:dayType | Start | $Subscription\$RG\$VMName : Attempt: $Retry, ErrorMessage: $($ErrorMessage)"
start-sleep -Seconds 10
else {
Write-Host "$using:dayType | Start | $Subscription\$RG\$VMName : Attempt: $Retry, Status: $($VmStatus.Status)"
Add-AzTableRow -table $($using:logTable) -partitionKey $($using:partitionKey) -rowKey ([guid]::NewGuid().tostring()) -property @{"Vmname" = $VMName; "RG" = $RG; "SubscriptionId" = $Subscription; "Action" = "Start"; "Status" = "OK"; "Time" = $($using:currentUTCtime) } | Out-Null
catch {
$ErrorName = $_.Exception.GetType().FullName
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
Add-AzTableRow -table $($using:logTable) -partitionKey $($using:partitionKey) -rowKey ([guid]::NewGuid().tostring()) -property @{"Vmname" = $VMName; "RG" = $RG; "SubscriptionId" = $Subscription; "Action" = "Start"; "Status" = "Failed - $ErrorMessage"; "Time" = $($using:currentUTCtime) } | Out-Null
} -ThrottleLimit 15
Seems to not work well with parallel threads.
bhagyshricompany commented
Hi @jaypee1990 Thanks for informing please share the logs error.Thanks