
Sentinel Playbook - Block IP - New | BadRequest The value cannot be null. The action type 'AppendToArrayVariable' only supports values of types 'Float, Integer, String, Boolean, Object'.

cyb3n3tic opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
I have deployed Sentinel Playbook - Block IP - New however when the logic app runs it is failing on For Each 4 / Append to array variable 4, generating the BadRequest error below:

The value cannot be null. The action type 'AppendToArrayVariable' only supports values of types 'Float, Integer, String, Boolean, Object'.

The code view for Append to array variable 4 is:

  "type": "AppendToArrayVariable",
  "inputs": {
    "name": "MatchValue",
    "value": "@items('For_each_4')?['Address']"

Sentinel has a rule configured to run when a block action is matched in Application Gateway WAF which in turn causes this logic app to run.

Expected behavior
I am expecting the IP that was the source of the Block action to be added to the WAF IP block list




I'm at a loss as to how to solve this one, hopefully I am missing the obvious - any suggestions appreciated.

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