
[System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] does not contain a method named 'toarray'.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

While running ".\Get-DanglingDnsRecordsPsDesktop.ps1 -FetchDnsRecordsFromAzureSubscription" this happens:

Get-DanglingDnsRecordsPsDesktop.ps1 : Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] does not contain a method named 'toarray'.

jf781 commented

Any updates on this? I'm also experiencing this same issue.

jf781 commented

So I did some digging and found when running the following on PS Core on Mac OS or from the CloudShell I got the error below.

Get-DanglingDnsRecords.ps1: Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObjec
t] does not contain a method named 'toarray'.

I found the following code on line 999 that was related to this.

If ($AzResourcesHash.count -gt 0) {
  $AzResourcesList = $AzResourcesHash.Values.toarray()

  $AzResourcesList | Export-Csv $outputResourcesFile -NoTypeInformation -Force
  Write-Host "Fetched $($AzResourcesHash.values.count) Azure resources; Saved the file as: $outputResourcesFile" -ForegroundColor Green

And I ran the necessary commands to get the $AzResourcesHash variable as defined in the script and saw it did not have the 'toarray' method as indicated in the error.

Count           SyncRoot        Equals          GetHashCode     ToString        ForEach
IsSynchronized  CopyTo          GetEnumerator   GetType         Where

To get around this I updated the if statement on line 999 with the following.

If ($AzResourcesHash.count -gt 0) {
  $AzResourcesList = @()
  foreach ($hash in $AzResourcesHash) {
    $AzResourcesList += $hash

  $AzResourcesList | Export-Csv $outputResourcesFile -NoTypeInformation -Force
  Write-Host "Fetched $($AzResourcesHash.values.count) Azure resources; Saved the file as: $outputResourcesFile" -ForegroundColor Green

It runs as it supposed to now.

That said, I'm sure there is a more efficient way of doing this so open to any feedback on this.

@jerbro OK to close this ?