
Why Base64Encoder use the Decode function ?? extend with MessageToMessageDecoder

jacksonjim opened this issue · 0 comments

Why Base64Encoder use the Decode function ?? extend with MessageToMessageDecoder


namespace DotNetty.Codecs.Base64{ using System.Collections.Generic; using DotNetty.Buffers; using DotNetty.Transport.Channels;
public sealed class Base64Encoder : MessageToMessageDecoder<IByteBuffer>    {        readonly bool breakLines;        readonly Base64Dialect dialect;
    public Base64Encoder() : this(true) { }
    public Base64Encoder(bool breakLines) : this(breakLines, Base64Dialect.STANDARD)        {        }
    public Base64Encoder(bool breakLines, Base64Dialect dialect)        {            this.breakLines = breakLines;            this.dialect = dialect;        }
    protected internal override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer message, List<object> output) => output.Add(Base64.Encode(message, this.breakLines, this.dialect));
    public override bool IsSharable =&gt; true;    }}<!--EndFragment-->
