CreateADForest Conflict Error
Dabuek opened this issue ยท 6 comments
I am getting a conflict error on the deployment script and work what the issue is, just wondering if theres something obvious I am missing:
I have uploaded the full error txt.
Should the CreateADForest Resource exist in both deployWinADFS and CreateADForest like this?
Also, when I log into the DC I can see it has made my domain forest, but hasnt added any of the users other than the adfs and local admin
Hello @Dabuek ! Thank you for letting me know about this issue. Very interesting. Let me deploy the on-prem environment in my environment to see if I can replicate the error. Have you already tried to run it one more time?
I believe I found the issue, I am not using a .com domain - I have a '' domain - For example ''
I think therefore the .split is causing an issue;
I did a local test using this and the output looks correct
$DomainName1,$DomainName2,$DomainName3 = ($using:domainFQDN).split('.')
$ParentPath = "DC=$DomainName1,DC=$DomainName2,DC=$DomainName3 "
I think this code would fix my issue, I need to rerun it... but would be good to have it be more dynamic for other TLD's if it is the problem.
Ahh makes sense. Yeah, that would do it. Let me do some testing with similar domains and see if we can get to a more dynamic approach in here. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello @Dabuek ! This seems to be working now with the following change:
Thank you for opening this issue. Feel free to re-open it if you still have the same issue.