
Warning daemon daemon unable to load distro implementation for lfs

cacheguard opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm trying to properly start waagent on a Linux system built from scratch. My OS is a derivation of the LFS (Linux From Scratch) project. I start the daemon using the following command:waagent -configuration-path:/etc/waagent.conf -start

That command produces several times the following message on the console port: WARNING Daemon Daemon Unable to load distro implementation for lfs. Using default distro implementation instead.

Is this normal, while the -configuration-path:/etc/waagent.conf option has been specified?

Also, while my /etc/waagent.conf file contains the OS.EnableRDMA=n directive, I get the following message: INFO Daemon Daemon No RDMA handler exists for distro='1' version='1.1-rc1'

Again is this normal? It seems that my /etc/waagent.conf file is not taken into consideration at all.

Is there a way to get rid of INFO and WARNING messages?

Thanks in advance.

From this warning (WARNING Daemon Daemon Unable to load distro implementation for lfs. Using default distro implementation instead) likely this code is not identifying your distro correctly.

This is something you would need to debug on your side, sorry.

Thank you for your response.

Well, we finally decided to write a subclass of DefaultOSUtil for our OS. Below our class definition and a sample method:

class CacheGuardOSUtil( DefaultOSUtil ):

    def __init__( self ):
        super( CacheGuardOSUtil, self ).__init__( )
        self.jit_enabled = True

    def test( self ):
        logger.warn( "Hello CacheGuard" )

Now we need to tests all methods that we specialized in our class. Can you please provide with a template program (including all required import and other statements) that would allow us to simply and locally test our methods?

The methods that we developed mainly call shellutil.run_command( ) in order to execute CLI commands in our OS (which is a network appliance). We had a look at the tests directory but without any guide, it's hard to understand for us... We are looking for a simpler method to tests our program.

Best Regards,