
Support original autorest naming complex for legacy compatibility

Opened this issue · 1 comments

@kairu-ms This issue follows up with the meeting we recently had about integrating aaz into our CLI generation for Network Cloud.

My team is making the move from autorest to aaz. As part of this effort, we need to conform our CLI to previous naming standards.

This means that when a resource type is namedLikeThis in our spec, we need to resulting command to read "az namedlikethis with-sub-command" rather than "az named-like-this with-sub-command". Additionally, we would like for child resources which now become nested in parent resources to also respect this, such that parentResource with childResource results in the command 'az parentresource childresource with-sub-command".

An option to either choose this legacy format or define our own format would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

@kairu-ms Quick modification on this request that we've added: We would like for child resources to maintain this same naming complex as well, now that this project has chosen to move child resources as a subgroup cli command of the parent resource during CLI generation.