
How to use ACR in Webapp from different tenant

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have Webapp running on tenant A, I would like to attach ACR from tenant B to Tenant A Webapp . I would like to do passwordless image pull on Tenant A and manage account settings on AAD level.

Steps Performed..

1 . Created a Multi tenant Service Principal in tenant A where the webapp is present
2 . Gave the admin consent to tenant B ( Now i can view the service principal of tenant A in tenant B )
3 . Gave the ACR Pull access to the service principal in tenant B
4 . Added the Service principal in tenant A Webapp

Now after removing the Docker password from the Webapp config, I should be able to pull the image from the ACR. But it says ACR pull failed ( Failed to Authorize )

Hi @Gittysri, thanks for sending over this. Have you opened a support ticket for this yet as you will receive a faster response that way.