
An error occurred while loading the YAML build pipeline.

nitinkansal1984 opened this issue · 10 comments

I was unable to run CD pipeline. Please help !

@bjcmit @tcare Please help. I need to showcase this to one of the customer ASAP

Now I am getting below error
/.pipelines/az-vote-cd-pipeline.yaml (Line: 6, Col: 17): Pipeline Resource az-vote-ci Input Must be Valid.

@nitinkansal1984 The CD pipeline depends on the CI pipeline. Did the CI pipeline complete successfully?

Did you name the application CI pipeline "arc-cicd-demo-src CI"?

yes @bjcmit the application CI pipeline name is "arc-cicd-demo-src CI". Below is the screenshot.


Failing to run CD pipeline.

I removed everything and followed the steps again. I am getting below error,


@eedorenko I am just waiting for this one to be approved and merged so that I can then do implement the same in my test environment. Thanks !