
Managed app ARM templates failing while validation with latest version of ARM-TTK

sunnybhambhani opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi Team, Hope you are doing good.

Since the upgrade of ARM-TTK our template validation is failing. If I remember it correctly with v0.15 I never encountered this issue.

Also, I believe the reason is wrong or misleading since we already are using the practices which are shared over the documentation.

Section: VM size uses parameter


  VM Size Should Be A Parameter                                                                                         
    [-] VM Size Should Be A Parameter (140 ms)                                                                          
        VMSize parameter must be declared for the parent template 

We are already using vmSize as a parameter, please find below snippets from our respective arm templates:

createUiDefinition.json [Ref:]

				"name": "nodeSize",
				"type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
				"label": "Size",
				"toolTip": "The size of VMs to be used as worker nodes in the AKS cluster",
				"recommendedSizes": [
				"options": {
					"hideDiskTypeFilter": false
				"osPlatform": "Linux",
				"imageReference": {
					"publisher": "Canonical",
					"offer": "UbuntuServer",
					"sku": "18.04"
				"count": 1,
				"visible": true

mainTemplate's parameters:

    "nodeSize": {
      "type": "string",
      "defaultValue": "Standard_B4ms",
      "metadata": {
        "description": "Node Size"

mainTemplate's resources (this is a part of AKS agent pool):

        "agentPoolProfiles": [
            "name": "agentpool",
            "count": "[parameters('nodeCount')]",
            "vmSize": "[parameters('nodeSize')]",
            "enableAutoScaling": true,
            "minCount": "[parameters('nodeCount')]",
            "maxCount": "[parameters('nodeMaxCount')]",
            "osType": "Linux",
            "storageProfile": "ManagedDisks",
            "type": "VirtualMachineScaleSets",
            "mode": "System",
            "vnetSubnetID": "[variables('aksSubnetId')]",
            "maxPods": 50

Could you please suggest OR correct me if I am doing something wrong?

Thank you,

If a full copy of ARM is required, the sample can be found on below URL, since that too is failing and there as well we have vmSize as a parameter:
Section: Review the template

OR here:


It appears we are not allowing the VMSize parameter to be anything other than VMSize:

I believe we should adjust this. But how? Should we require it to be named anything particular? If not, what heuristic do we use to determine if the top-level parameter is a VMSize?

It should have no naming constraints - the parameter can be named anything. We just need to verify that any resource property named vmSize has a property value that is a parameter (or a variable that references a parameter)... Keeping in mind that the param/var could be an object.


This should be fixed by recent changes to the VMSize tests. Please confirm when you get the chance.